电影天堂Unparalleled Yanshi: Gracious Master of Emei

Unparalleled Yanshi: Gracious Master of Emei


  • 片名:Unparalleled Yanshi: Gracious Master of Emei免费在线观看
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:文卓/金尤美/婉儿/杨韵然/黎真安/姜迪/金宁/赵静沛/
  • 导演:管晓杰/
  • 年份:2018
  • 地区:中国
  • 类型:动作/武侠/古装/玄幻/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2018-12-25
  • 语言:内详
  • 更新:2022年
  • 简介:Elderly Nun Wumei, Zen Master Zhi Shan, Taoist Priest Bai Mei, Li Ba Shan, Feng Dao De, and Miao Xian used to study from the same master. However, with different beliefs about martial arts, they established their own school. Elderly Nun Wumei accidentally obtained a scroll of a special martial arts technique named Yanshi’s Offering. Whoever practices it would be able to remotely control someone else, whether it is someone from the past or someone alive.At the same time, Yong Han, the nephew of Emperor Qianlong, held a grudge against the emperor for his father was eliminated from the clan and died miserably. Under the guise of killing people who were opposing the Qing Dynasty to revive the Ming Dynasty, he established the school of Bagua secretly and honored himself as the God of Sun. He killed many masters of martial arts and plundered the martial art skills of all sects, planning to get rid of Qianlong and usurp the throne. His new target was the Yanshi’s Offering hidden in Emei.To solve the malaria outbreak, Bai Yuan Ming, who was good at medicine, came to Emei. He met the female disciple of Emei, Li Er Huan. The two then got into the clash of the martial arts world. Yong Han sneaked into Emei with the alias of Sun Zi Yi. He tried to start a conflict in the martial arts world in order to get what he wanted. Fortunately, he was defeated by Bai Yuan Ming and Li Er Huan together in the end.
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Elderly Nun Wumei, Zen Master Zhi Shan, Taoist Priest Bai Mei, Li Ba Shan, Feng Dao De, and Miao Xian used to study from the same master. However, with different beliefs about martial arts, they established their own school. Elderly Nun Wumei accidentally obtained a scroll of a special martial arts technique named Yanshi’s Offering. Whoever practices it would be able to remotely control someone else, whether it is someone from the past or someone alive.At the same time, Yong Han, the nephew of Emperor Qianlong, held a grudge against the emperor for his father was eliminated from the clan and died miserably. Under the guise of killing people who were opposing the Qing Dynasty to revive the Ming Dynasty, he established the school of Bagua secretly and honored himself as the God of Sun. He killed many masters of martial arts and plundered the martial art skills of all sects, planning to get rid of Qianlong and usurp the throne. His new target was the Yanshi’s Offering hidden in Emei.To solve the malaria outbreak, Bai Yuan Ming, who was good at medicine, came to Emei. He met the female disciple of Emei, Li Er Huan. The two then got into the clash of the martial arts world. Yong Han sneaked into Emei with the alias of Sun Zi Yi. He tried to start a conflict in the martial arts world in order to get what he wanted. Fortunately, he was defeated by Bai Yuan Ming and Li Er Huan together in the end.


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